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Organisational and Professional Development

Managers' Guidance

New Employee Induction Checklist

This checklist provides you with useful prompts/information to prepare for your new starter:

New Employee Induction Checklist (For Managers) [PDF 440KB]

Role of the line manager in the induction process

Genuine commitment to the induction process is vital to its success and will best help the new staff member settle into their role. 

Line managers are responsible for the induction of new members of their teams.  They are in the best position to identify development needs, and to monitor, support and encourage their new colleague.

It is therefore crucial that time is set aside for this purpose, particularly during the inductee's first day and week at work.  

Why we need induction

Putting Our Values into action

New colleagues need to understand what is expected of them - not just in terms of their role, but also in their conduct as an employee of Queen Mary University of London.

Our Values in action describes how we can translate Queen Mary's Values into expectations that we should have of ourselves and of each other; of how we act and interact with each other every day. These Values are cornerstones of how we recruit, appraise and reward all our staff.

However, it can't be enough to only draw on our Values when completing an appraisal form or applying for a bonus.  It must be something that we all have in mind throughout our careers at Queen Mary - starting from the very first day of induction.

Alleviating anxieties and dispelling fears

Induction is important to all new entrants to the University, no matter where they're joining us from.  It will also apply to those changing roles within the University, for example transferring between areas, or being redeployed or promoted.  The need for induction applies to all roles at all grades.  Everyone needs some help to settle in.

A new member of staff, or a colleague in a new role, may naturally have some feelings of anxiety - regardless of how pleased or excited they are to be starting the job!

Concerns can arise from not yet being a part of an established team or work group, not knowing the type of behaviour expected by their new peers, or just being in unfamiliar surroundings.  They may have worries about how well they will match up to the demands of the new job, or how they will get on with new colleagues.

As a line manager, providing a complete and supportive induction will help to alleviate these feelings.  You can also direct your new staff member towards other support resources as part of the induction process.

Benefits of a sound induction process

A robust induction process offering can ensure that new people quickly get up to speed with the job and the environment, particularly in the crucial early stages. 

A new colleague who has received a proper induction and feels at ease in their new work environment will more quickly become a more productive and effective member of the team.  This has obvious benefits for yourself as their manager, and for your other members of staff.

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